Soy vs. Paraffin: Which Candle Wax is Better for You?

Soy vs. Paraffin: Which Candle Wax is Better for You?

An essential thing in Indian homes is a candle. In addition to being used to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere, they are also used for religious and cultural ceremonies. However, individuals are becoming more selective about the candles they use as a result of growing knowledge of health and environmental hazards. Which kind of candle is better for Indian homes? Traditional paraffin candles and soy wax candles are the two most popular varieties in the market. Between these two which candle wax is better for you, let’s find out.

What Is Soy Wax?

Vegetable wax derived from soybean oil is known as soy wax. The beans are washed, cracked, removed from the seeds, and formed into flakes after harvest. After that, the oil is hydrogenated after being removed from the flakes.

Some of the unsaturated fatty acids in the oil become saturated as a result of the hydrogenation process. Through this technique, the oil’s melting point is significantly changed, solidifying it at room temperature.

What Are the Benefits of Soy Wax?

  • Made from soybeans, soy wax is a renewable, natural resource. It is an environmentally beneficial substitute for traditional paraffin wax candles because it is non-toxic and biodegradable. Compared to traditional candles, soy wax candles burn cleaner, and longer, and produce little to no smoke. They are the best option for aromatherapy because they also release scent more effectively.
  • Because soy candles have a higher melting point than other types, they typically burn longer. You can use your soy wax candle for an extended period before replacing it.
  • Soy wax drips less and takes longer to melt when lighted. Paraffin wax is more difficult to clean up or remove than soy wax.
  • Although soy candle’s usefulness and beauty speak for themselves, soy wax is a marketer’s best choice. You can refer to soy candles as sustainable, renewable, American-grown, eco-friendly, carbon-neutral, and many other attributes.

Disadvantages of Soy Wax

The fact that soy wax does not retain fragrance as long as paraffin wax does is one of its primary disadvantages. As a result, you won’t be able to scent your candles as strongly as you could with paraffin wax. Furthermore, soy wax might be more expensive than paraffin wax and burns for a shorter period.

What Is Paraffin Wax?

Paraffin wax is a soft, solid wax that is white or colorless. Saturated hydrocarbons are the raw materials. Due to its colorlessness, tastelessness, and odorlessness, it is frequently used in skin-softening salon and spa treatments for the hands, cuticles, and feet. It can also be applied to relieve painful muscles and joints.

There are numerous other applications of paraffin wax. It’s frequently used to produce crayons and candles, as well as lubrication and electrical insulation.

What Are the Benefits of Paraffin Wax?

  • Due to its diverse melting points, paraffin wax is more easily molded into a variety of forms and sizes. Paraffin wax is flexible, which makes it easier to manufacture, and requires less time to cool and shape into various shapes.
  • Because paraffin wax is transparent and hence it is easy to dye them, paraffin wax candles typically have richer colors and last longer.
  • Since paraffin wax is more readily available and less expensive than other types of wax, people have been creating candles from it for generations. Paraffin candles are a more cost-effective solution due to the availability and adaptability of paraffin wax, especially when purchased in large quantities.

Other Benefits of Paraffin Wax:

  • It is frequently used on the hands and feet for cosmetic purposes. Being a natural moisturizer, the wax helps to leave skin feeling smooth and supple. When used, it raises the skin’s moisture content and keeps it there long after the therapy is finished.
  • Additionally, it can help in pore opening and dead skin cell removal. This could give the skin a more youthful appearance and smoother texture.
  • It functions similarly to heat therapy and has the potential to improve blood flow, soothe tense muscles, and lessen stiffness in joints. In addition to treating sprains, paraffin wax can reduce inflammation and muscular contractions.

Disadvantages Of Paraffin Wax

Paraffin wax has certain disadvantages. Firstly, it burns less cleanly than soy wax and isn’t sustainable. Furthermore, if paraffin wax is not applied properly, it can be difficult to clean up and could even result in a fire. Finally, handling it is more difficult than with soy wax. Paraffin wax is not renewable.

Additionally, paraffin wax melts at a higher temperature than soy wax, which can make it challenging to use in some situations. Furthermore, the cost may exceed that of soy wax based on the kind and quantity purchased. Lastly, burning paraffin wax can emit pollutants into the atmosphere that are dangerous for both people and the environment.

Soy Wax Vs Paraffin Wax

Candles made of soy wax are more environmentally friendly than those made of paraffin. Because soy wax is biodegradable and non-toxic, it is a renewable resource. Additionally, because soybeans are a sustainable crop that uses less energy and resources to manufacture than paraffin wax, it has a smaller environmental impact than paraffin wax.

For people who are concerned about their health, soy wax candles are a superior option. Burning paraffin wax candles can emit toxic compounds including benzene and toluene, which can lead to health problems including respiratory disorders. In contrast, soy wax candles don’t release any hazardous substances as they burn.

Candles made of soy wax come in a variety of types, forms, and dimensions, and can be perfumed with scents or natural essential oils. Compared to traditional candles, they burn cleaner, longer, and produce little to no smoke or soot. Candles made of soy wax also release scent more effectively, which makes them the perfect option for aromatherapy.


In conclusion, soy wax candles are a preferable option to traditional paraffin candles for Indian homes. They release scents more effectively, are non-toxic, and are eco-friendly. They offer better value for the money because they burn cleaner and longer. Choosing soy wax candles not only improves the atmosphere in your house but makes it more cozy, and it also benefits the environment.

You need to go no further than Adelaide Moulding and Candle Supplies for premium soy wax candles. Our candles are perfumed with high-quality essential oils and entirely natural soy wax-based. To fit any mood or occasion, they come in a range of sizes and scents. For a healthier, cleaner, and more environmentally friendly candle, go for Soy Wax Candles.

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